Does He Cheat?... is an eye-opening look into the minds of cheating husbands. Sterling Anderson and Stephanie Dart have interviewed men from around the world to figure out why and how men get away with cheating on their wives; and the answers are startling. Signs of cheating include, but are not limited to: dead cell phones, fights, excessive password protection, unexplained credit card bills, late night phone calls, new underwear, abstaining from sex with your partner, hidden gifts, cheating friends, etc.
I am not currently married or dating, but if I was, this book would probably scare me into believing I was being cheated on. I understand the premise of Does He Cheat?..., especially if a woman is already suspicious of her partner, but some of the signs are so general that they probably apply to most men both in and out of relationships. For example: having cell phone or computer passwords, having parents or friends that are cheaters, leaving loose receipts in the car or in pockets, and buying new underwear all strike me as less than evidentiary. My male and female friends agree, just because a man likes his privacy, is unorganized, and buys his own undergarments doesn't mean that he has a mistress. As for the parent/friend cheater connection, I don't believe that a person can be genetically predisposed to unfaithfulness and adulteress behaviors. Can they influence someone's decisions? Absolutely, but I know men whose fathers cheated on their mothers, and because of that betrayal they detest men - and women - who have to audacity to mess around. Don't get me wrong, I do see a lot of validity in the fifty signs, but the authors should make it clear that not every flaw in a man's character is a cause for concern; (I do realize that the cover states, "50 Signs Your Partner May Be Cheating", but in the text that point isn't made quite clear). Maybe it is because I am currently single that I don't see these "signs" as cheater "tells", and if that is how it seems, please excuse my naivety, but unless you are already suspicious of a cheating boyfriend or husband, you probably shouldn't read this book; don't start problems where there are none.
Now, since I have gotten that rant out of my system, here's what I like about the book, the overall set-up, the length, the writing style (dedication, advice, and final words), and the stories from real cheaters. The book aims to warn women of men's tricks, and what to look for if they suspect infidelity. I may not agree with some of the authors' ideas, but the book does achieve what it is meant to. Now I am very curious about what the prospective "Does She Cheat?" would tell men to look for...
Rating: Bounty's Out (3/5)
*** I received this book from Little, Brown, and Company in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.
A very happy man wakes up one morning to discover that something is missing in his life, so he decides to get a dog to keep him company. He names the pup Lucky and they are very happy to spend time with each other, but one day Lucky runs into the road and is hit by a car. He is hurt badly, but the doctors manage to save him - minus one leg. Lucky must overcome great obstacles to walk and do tricks like he used to, but the man is always by his side and loves him even though he's now disabled.
I am pleasantly surprised by Lucky and the positive messages it passes to children. Besides the bright, colorful, and creative illustrations by Richard Kinsey, the book's emphasis on animal care, accidents, veterinarians, and disabilities make this a wonderful teaching aide for kids ages two to seven. The reading level is elementary, besides a few challenging multi-syllable words, and length is perfect at around thirty-two pages, (about fifteen to thirty words per page- not counting the cute illustrations). Recommended to younger children and the people that read to them!
Rating: On the Run (4.5/5)
*** I received this book from the author (Bostick Communications) in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.
A coming-of-age story about Hayat Shah, a young Pakistani-American who falls in love with his mother's oldest friend, Mina, after she immigrates to America. Mina's life is in shambles after an abusive relationship and a disgraceful divorce in Pakistan, so she and her infant son move in with the Shah's for a fresh start; but she has no idea of teenage Hayat's growing feelings, or what might happen when she starts dating Nathan, a Jewish man.
Ayad Akhtar's American Dervish is a beautifully emotional look into being a young Muslim in America. I love the writing style as well as the cast of characters, (especially Hayat, Mina, and Nathan), who mix innocence, religion, romance, betrayal, and regret to create unforgettable stories. I also enjoy the descriptive dialogue and its powerful emotional punches. The plot is well-written, but has mild predictability, not enough to discourage readers, although there are a few chapters that seem bulky. Overall, I feel that this book is definitely worth the read and I learned - and felt, a lot about the characters and their situations. Recommended for teens through adults.
Rating: On the Run (4/5)
*** I received this book from Little, Brown, and Company in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.
Tagline: Can this suburban mom find balance between her momminess and her sexiness?
How was your life before you met Mr. Right, (or Mr. Wrong)? Were you a different person before you "settled down" and had a couple kids? Do you have time for friends, fun, and fantasy anymore? Or is your time taken up by rocking babies, packing lunches, grocery shopping, laundry day, meal planning, yo-yo dieting, changing diapers, and making sure everyone else is satisfied? When do you have time for you?...
These are the questions that one mom wants answered. She's hot, smart, and knows how to get the job done, but why does she feel so hollow? Her business is booming, her two kids are great, her husband is... nice, but she finds herself sitting in a parking lot wondering how she got there, whether she should get divorced, and if she even knows who she is anymore. She has a serious case of "Momnesia (mahm-nee-zhuh) - noun- Loss of the memory of who you used to be. Caused by pregnancy, play dates, and trying to keep the house cleaner than the Joneses." Can this mom take herself off autopilot and find herself, her laughter, and her passion, to become the person she wants to be?
This book left me feeling anything but "cat-faced"! I am not a wife or a mother, but I do have experience with feeling overwhelmed by work, family, and "me time"; I can honestly say that it is easy to lose sight of yourself and your goals when you have other things on-your-plate. After reading the first few pages of Momnesia, I knew that I was going to love it! Lori Verni-Fogarsi's writing style is funny, feisty, freeing, and full of life! I found her characters well-developed and real enough to identify and sympathize with, especially the main character and the friends she met along the way. Reading this book was like having a glass of wine with a couple good girlfriends and telling it like it is- life, love, ups, downs, and everything in-between. The dialogue was anything but monotone - except for the husband of course - and the details about marriage, motherhood, and momnesia made me nod my head and laugh-out-loud. I even recommended it to my mother, aunt, and grandmother and they agree with me! I cannot wait until Lori Verni-Fogarsi's next book, Gramnesia, comes out - and hopefully I will get to review that too!!! Highly recommended for anyone wanting a sneak peak into marriage and motherhood, those who have been through it, and those who want some zest with their Chick-lit! Great for book clubs and for Mother's Day!!!
Rating: On the Run (4.5/5)
*** I received this book from the author (Brickstone Publishing) in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.
Lori Verni-Fogarsi has worked as a freelance writer, journalist, columnist, and seminar speaker for more than fifteen years. MOMNESIA is her first novel (publication date 3/16/2012) and she is the author of the nonfiction book, EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT HOUSE TRAINING PUPPIES AND ADULT DOGS (published in 2005), which has been widely acclaimed in its genre.
Verni-Fogarsi began her writing career in an unusual way: With a monthly newsletter for her small business--a dog training school! Over time, she became well known not only for her dog behavior knowledge and writing skills, but also for her business acumen. She was surprised at first when she was approached by magazines and newspapers requesting articles on pet behavior, small business, and parenting, as well as universities and advanced placement programs requesting seminars on pets and business marketing.
For 15+ years, her articles have appeared in a multitude of publications including "New York Parent," "The Pet Gazette," "Franchise Advantage," and many more. She has worked as a journalist and columnist for the Heartland Publications family of newspapers, and has taught seminars at Nassau Community College, North Carolina State University, and many private and corporate venues.
Most recently, Verni-Fogarsi completed her novel, MOMNESIA, which has a publication date of March 16, 2012. A fun and feisty read, she is excited to bring you this funny, yet thought-provoking story of a suburban mom trying to find balance between her "momminess" and her "sexiness." Enhanced by custom-painted artwork, a Reader's Discussion Guide, and a national and virtual book tour, MOMNESIA is expected to be a big hit with book clubs, discussion groups, and more.
Verni-Fogarsi is a happily married mother of two and step mom of two more. In her free time, she enjoys traveling with her husband, Mark, as well as reading, dining out, boating, napping, and hitting the town. Many of their weekends are also hectically enjoyed attending their childrens' various activities, including dance competitions, drill team meets, chorus, and theater performances. She has two cats, both rotten.
Verni-Fogarsi divides her time between Raleigh, NC, and Lake Gaston, VA, where she is hard at work on her next novel, about a couple of almost-empty-nesters who are faced with the sudden appearance of a pregnant teenage daughter they never knew existed.
She invites you to visit her website,, where you can join her on Facebook, view her calendar of events, keep an eye out for fun contests, and more!
Annie Martin, an old order Mennonite, has always been faithful to the Plain ways of her ancestors, but when a mother-daughter spat sends her to live with her grandfather, a new "distraction" begins to test her faith. Aden Zook is Old Order Amish, and has stolen Annie's heart. Can Annie and Aden find a way to be together even though their faiths' prohibit it? Or will their love only last as long as the cherry blossoms are in season?
I live near Lancaster, Pennsylvania so I am no stranger to horse-and-buggy travel in the area, but besides what I have seen and read about the Amish population, I don't really know much about their beliefs or daily life. So when Doubleday Publishing Group offered me a copy of The Scent of Cherry Blossoms, I was excited to learn more about Amish culture. The book is short, but I found out that it is part of a "seasonal" series of novellas by Cindy Woodsmall, (so I know I will be heading to the library soon to find the other ones). I loved the characters, especially Annie, Aden, and Roman; their thoughts as well as their dialogue were detailed and full of emotion. Their relationships and interactions with the community were fun to read about - as was the book as a whole. The plot was good, and I enjoyed the innocent romance as well as the back-story. My only qualm was that it was so short, but that was intended; I will definitely be reading more books by Cindy Woodsmall now that I have discovered her craft for words. I was amazed by the amount of information and feeling that she managed to fit into this tiny book! Highly recommended for fans of Christian and Amish/Mennonite fiction. Off to the library I go to find more in the series!
Rating: On the Run (4/5)
*** I received this book from the author (The Doubleday Religious Publishing Group) in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.
Shea has always led a happy and simple life with her mother and their horses, but when her mother succumbs to illness and dies, Shea must overcome her grief and try to move on. Unfortunately, fate has other plans - her elf guardian Galen shows up to claim her at the same time that the whole village is attacked and imprisoned as slaves. It is up to Shea to save the people and places she calls home, including the man she's in love with. Can she weather the journey and accomplish the tasks set before her? Or will the evils plotting against her prevail?
I did not expect an epic fantasy when I started reading the Kindle version of Morrigan's Harvest: The War for Inisfail, but that is definitely what I got! The interesting cast of characters as well as the detailed descriptions of Shea's journey lured me in from page one. I enjoyed the back-story and the overall plot which flowed evenly and allowed no time for boredom. The action level held my attention - that's saying something since I am used to The Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter series' - and the characters were very easy to like and sympathize with, especially Shea, Galen, and Aisling. I love strong female leads, so Shea's "inner journey" progressing from age fifteen to who she is now really impressed me; I can't wait to see her character in future books! I found the dialogue to be fresh and entertaining, as was Kaiya Hart's magical writing style. I highly recommend this book to lovers of the fantasy genre - young adult (YA) through adult. I will definitely be waiting for the next installment!
Rating: On the Run (4.5/5)
*** I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.
Eighteen years ago, Ava changed her name and fled from her Schizophrenic parents, intent on escaping the disease. Now thirty-two and called "Caitlin", she works as a pediatric nurse, is married to her best friend, and has two amazing children; but her past constantly lingers in her mind - Will she become like her parents? Has she passed this disease onto her children? What the future holds for her family all depends on the "genetic lottery"...
I don't have as much experience with people suffering from Schizophrenia as I do with Bipolar disorder, so I thought that Playing the Genetic Lottery could help me understand more about the disease - it was an eye opener. I appreciate that Schizophrenia is explained in layman's terms, and that Terri Morgan's depictions of the disorder are realistic as well as haunting. The characters speak to the reader immediately, and it is hard not to sympathize with their situation and their fears. The story-line is well-written, albeit a few chapters too long, but the story as a whole is true-to-life and full of emotion. I finish this book knowing much more than I did about a neurological disorder that effects the individual as well as everyone around them; most commonly the family. I understand how some of the characters feel about the disease and the fear of not knowing what the future holds. I recommend this book to readers interested in a realistic portrayal of Schizophrenia and characters that will stay with them well past the final pages.
Rating: On the Run (4/5)
*** I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.
After the unexpected death of their father, the Peach children - Teddy, Joanie, Dancer, Beeker and Joey, (now orphans), must find a way to stay together, bury their father, and pay off his debts before they lose everything. [Christian Historical Fiction set in 1960's Bronx]
The Priest and the Peaches is a genuinely heartwarming story about growing up, dealing with grief, keeping family together, loving your neighbors, and having faith in God! When I started reading, I knew that I wouldn't be able to put it down; most of the characters are so lively and well-written that they could be alive in the next room. I particularly enjoy reading about Teddy, his personality, and all the new responsibilities he takes on to protect his siblings. The younger characters are also characterized well and seem realistic. The setting is very three-dimensional, full of detail, and conveys the time-period nicely. The Catholic/religious sections are not over-bearing or boring. The story-line itself is quite interesting and emotional, following the Peach's through the seven days after their father's death, including the funeral - one of my favorite parts. Although I did find a few grammatical/ punctuation errors and some dialogue issues, I still find the book well-written, brimming with innocent humor, and worth the read. I think young adults will really enjoy Larry Peterson's writing style and humor in this short and uplifting/optimistic read.
Rating: Bounty's Out (3.75/5)
*** I received this book from the author (Tribute Books) in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.
After a string of brutal murders leaves local authorities clueless,CIA agent Annie Woods and investigative reporter Dylan Hunter find themselves working together to stop a killer. But as their "partnership" grows and the bodies start piling up, the pair begins to question each other's motives, as well as those of the people they work for. Is the killer closer than they think; and will Annie and Dylan be able to stop them before they strike again?
There better be more Dylan Hunter novels on the way, because I am hooked and ready for more! Hunter: A Thriller by Robert Bidinotto is an intense debut novel filled with pulse-pounding action, kick-a** characters, and a touch of romance. For anyone in the mood for a CIA versus vigilante thriller, Hunter is a sure bet. Bidinotto's technique is near flawless- the characters are well-developed and genuine, fitting seamlessly into the novel's tight-knit and suspense-filled plot. Dylan Hunter and Annie Woods jump off the page and lead readers on a chase of their own, catching them in a web of lies, deceit, injustice, betrayal, political corruption, intrigue, and the reality that "good" and "evil" aren't always as clear cut as "hero" versus "villain". I find Bidinotto's first novel to be on the same level as authors Tom Clancy, John Grisham, and James Patterson, three of my favorite heart-stopping, page-turning thrill writers. I will definitely be on the lookout for more Dylan Hunter novels in the near future! Highly recommended for adult readers of any genre!
Rating: On the Run (4.5/5)
*** I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.
Open Season -- One signed Hardcover edition Retribution -- One signed paperback Run into the Wind -- One signed paperback The Fool's Journey --One signed paperback
Adventures in Research: Dispatches from the Front
Jon Reisfeld
“Research is fun; writing is hard work.” That's how Jean M. Auel, author of The Clan of the Cave Bears novel series, summed up these two vital aspects of the creative process during an interview with blogger Meredith Allard. Auel takes her research quite seriously. She has read a small library's worth of books, articles and other materials (totalling nearly 4,000 items by her calculations). She's traveled to Europe to explore Neanderthal sites firsthand. She's poked around in their caves, tried her hand at making stone tools and stone-age rope. She's even tried to cure animal hides “by natural means.” “Without some of those first-hand experiences,” she told Allard, “I would never have been able to write the books the way I did. It was necessary and, in the process, I've met some fascinating people.” Auel's globe-trotting “research adventures” may seem exotic by many writers' standards, but was that what made the experience so much fun for her? To gain some perspective, we asked a few authors featured on The Last Way Station Mega Book Tour to share their own tales from the front lines of research. The feedback we received suggests Auel had it right: research is fun. Getting out from behind the computer keyboard and screen, under almost any circumstances, will put a smile on a writer's face ... and provide plenty of material for fresh, new stories to tell. The Mega Book tour, which I founded, is named in honor of my novelette, The Last Way Station. It represents a new, tag-team approach to virtual book touring. When you finish reading this post, please click here to enter our tour sweepstakes (Grand Prize: a Kindle Fire) and here to learn more about our featured authors.
Maryann Miller: Pursuing the Naked Truth
Maryann Miller
“The first victim in my new murder mystery, Stalking Season,is a 19-year old girl who, on a lark, takes a job dancing at a gentleman's club. Obviously, the job doesn't quite work out the way she hopes. “To find out how a girl might get hired to work in such a place, I planned a ‘field trip’ to a gentleman’s club in downtown Dallas. My son, David, who loves to go on research excursions, accompanied me. He was especially excited about this trip. What a dedicated research assistant he is! “We met with the club’s manager in the early afternoon, at a time when few patrons were there. The manager explained that, at that time of day, only one or two of the girls would be dancing. That was one or two more than I was interested in watching, but David immediately suggested that we return later, when the club would be in full swing. At that point, I don’t think his mind was on research anymore. At least not the ‘ask a lot of questions and get a lot of information’ type of research I was pursuing. “In fact, as the manager and I walked through the main area of the club, I suddenly realized we were alone. David was no longer bringing up the rear. I glanced back and saw him standing, frozen in place, before one of the dancers, completely mesmerized by her performance. I gave him one of those classic ‘mom’ looks, and he got offended. ‘This is research,’ he protested. ‘You never know how detailed you may want to get later when you describe how the girls dance. I'm taking notes!’ “
Open Season Story Summary.Amid racial tensions and the deadly force controversy sweeping the city of Dallas Homicide detectives Sarah Kingsly and Angel Johnson are unlikely and unwilling partners. They both see the pairing as better PR than policy. Their first case, dubbed ‘the Mall Murders’, begins with the death of a maintenance worker at one of the Metroplex shopping malls. A security guard is then killed at another mall. The final murder victim is a young window dresser, whose body is left like a mannequin behind the glass of an exclusive boutique at the Galleria Mall.
Lynn Hubbard: Remembering Our Past
Lynn Hubbard
“History is all around us, you just have to take the time to notice ... and remember. Last fall, I had an idea for a new book set during the Revolutionary War, but I needed more. I need to be inspired to write. So, I threw the kids and dog in the car and headed northeast to Virginia, site of the Continental Army’s final, definitive victory at the ‘Battle of Yorktown.’ I have always had a passion for history and, in particular, for the Revolutionary War era, and I wanted to go to the heart of it. “The thousand mile trip took us across many state lines. When we arrived at Virginia, we followed the Blue Ridge Parkway north along what may have been the same path confederate soldiers took when they marched north to defeat at Gettysburg. Even with all the modern buildings and traffic on that route today, you can still get a sense of history and American pride. “Near Yorktown, at a point where the York River meets the Chesapeake Bay, I stood on the shore, with the breeze blowing through my hair, and I could almost taste the gun powder in the air. Closing my eyes, I pictured the massive sailing ships in the harbor and I felt the fear and excitement of those on board. “At a specialty shop, I picked up a period licorice stick. Not the modern, candy kind but the actual twig or root. Licorice has been used as a medical aid for thousands of years. They used it, at the time of the Revolutionary War, to treat coughs and pain, to clean their teeth and to purify their blood and innards. I offered to buy a stick for each of my kids but got no takers. I cautiously eyed the twig before finally putting it in my mouth, and gnawing on it. It wasn't too bad. I headed down the road, chewing my minty tasting stick, and feeling at one with the past as my kids trailed along behind me, leading the dog on his leash and shaking their heads at me in equal parts wonderment and disbelief.”
Run into the Wind Story Summary.Determined to take charge of her own life after her family was slaughtered before her eyes; Sabrina Lovett heads west and hops off a train to start anew. Hiding from her affluent brother, she takes on the guise of a boy. Everything was going well until the exasperating new Sherriff came to town. Brock Stafford was used to being in control. He was irritated to no end by the stable boy "Will" who challenged him at every turn. Aggravated by his own reaction to the boy, he tries to ignore him completely until tragedy brings them together. Sabrina trusts Brock with her life; but can she trust him with her secret?
Kristina Jackson: There’s No Substitute for Experience
Kristina Jackson
“I plan on writing erotica under the pen name Kay Darling. Why? Oh, that is simple. My mind is already as twisted as a corkscrew and as dirty as a chimney sweep’s ear hole! I recently suggested to my ‘dearly beloved’ that we ‘try out’ some advanced sex positions so that I could see if they would work well in the book. Of course, he did not complain. But he might the next time … “We had started our lovemaking the usual way: with me on top. No problem. Then, we moved around to accommodate the new position. Without getting too graphic, the woman and man sit opposite each other. Then, the woman drapes her legs over the man's shoulders to make sure things 'line up' properly. The woman has to support her weight by putting her arms out behind her. The sensation this new position achieved was, to put it mildly, well worth the effort. As the throws of passion overcame us, I pushed a little too hard on one of my shoulders and it partially dislocated! Suddenly, ‘agony’ replaced ‘ecstasy’ and I just about screamed, barely able to support my weight anymore. A quick adjustment allowed me to reposition myself so that I could now dig my good shoulder into the mattress, hoping, all the while that my husband wouldn’t notice anything was wrong. Instead, I quickly derailed the entire operation. “I should mention that I have EDS. It causes my shoulders to pop out fairly regularly. Nevertheless, even in the name of research, I doubt we will be trying out that position again any time soon!”
The Fool’s Journey Story Summary.Can tarot cards really help a young woman whose life is not all it’s cracked up to be? Moira is frustrated by her life and even more so because she just doesn’t know what to do about it. A spur-of-the-moment decision to attend a psychic fair to get a tarot reading changes all of that. The Tarot reading helps her realize and see exactly what she should do. Moira’s friends and family start to question her sanity when she consults pieces of card for guidance. When she decides to quit her job, sell her house and move away, they’re sure of it. What do Tarot cards mean? Can they help her find out about herself and guide her to a happier future? What has an encounter with a poltergeist and a haunted chest have to do with Moira’s journey to find fulfillment?
Kelsey Miller: Proper Bookstore Etiquette
Kristina Jackson
“All of the characters in my book, Retribution, have … odd names, like “Faolan” and “Kenric.” I do this, deliberately, to give each character a name that describes his or her personality. In other words, if a character is opinionated, I would give him a name that means ’opinionated.‘ “Of course, I don’t keep all these names conveniently rolling around in my head. So, when I started writing my novel, at 16, I used to search for suitable names on the Internet. But the Internet is, well, cluttered, and I occasionally had difficulty coming up with names that made sense. “Eventually, my searching turned up a reverse baby name dictionary. Instead of listing the names first and then their meanings, this marvelous book works the other way around. The very next day I went to the bookstore with my mom and asked if they had the book in stock. They did! And it had so many names in it that I could barely contain myself. “It was at about this point, as I was joyously engrossed in that book, that I ran into my mom. She took one look at the book and blanched. “Kelsey," she asked shakily, "is there something you need to tell me?” “I thought she was joking. I mean, come on, if a sixteen-year-old has the focus and discipline to write a book, it’s pretty unlikely she also has the time, and inclination, to turn her mom into an early grandmother. But mom was serious. A few awkward moments passed before I realized I would have to respond. ‘No, Mom,’ I said, ‘I’m NOT pregnant, I just need to name my characters!’ “My advice? Keep your distance from baby-naming books when Mom’s around ... particularly if you’re still a teenager!”
The Fool’s Journey Story Summary.Not all Vampires drink blood...
More cunning and intuitive than the other wolves in his Family, Faolan has never had a problem killing their Vampire enemies. Yet even he is unprepared for the two Changelings—newly turned Vampires—who attack him one day during his patrol. The Changelings make no move to kill Faolan, and puzzled by their strange behavior, he flees. Before the wolves can determine the cause, Faolan is attacked again. Faolan barely has time to parry the Vampire’s blows before he is ripped from his wolf form. Cowering as a human, Faolan waits for death, yet the Vampire inexplicably spares his life--but her action comes with a price. The Vampire claims she does not drink blood. Instead, she has vowed to kill her nemesis, Hunter, an elusive vampire with special abilities responsible for a tragedy the Vampire refuses to disclose. She compels Faolan into joining her on a week-long journey to acquire information from Hunter's retired executioner. Faolan’s father forces him into going, and after the Vampire saves his life, Faolan realizes that the two of them will be partners for much longer than seven days. Faolan and the Vampire are bound together by a force older than any of them can imagine, and only they can hope to defeat Hunter. However, the Vampire has not been entirely truthful. What is she keeping from Faolan? And will he be able to learn her secret before both of them get killed?